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Saturday 19 June 2021

Wild bird spot on Mt.Fuji (3) Eurasian Bullfinch,ウソ

 This is the third installment of a three-part series on this topic.

The origin of the Japanese name comes from the old word "uso" that it changed from another name "oso" which means whistling, and it was named because it emits a whistle-like call like a hew.

(Cited from Wikipedia)This bird breeds across Europe and temperate Asia. It is mainly resident, but many northern birds migrate further south in the winter. Mixed woodland with some conifers is favored for breeding, including parkland and gardens

                                                  a male


                                      a female

the summit of Mt.Fuji,viewing from 5th station 

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                        Japanese soba noodles↑   Unaju↡