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ラベル A SCHOOL FESTIVAL の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル A SCHOOL FESTIVAL の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


A school festival,学園祭

The annual school festival of the Kawamura Gakuen Women's University, which is located in Abiko-shi, Chiba Pref., was held on October 22 and 23.
This university is a place which is five minutes' walk from my house.
Therefore I uploaded it about this festival last year.
That's why I upload it this year as well as last year.
It is announcement called "the world history of the handsome man and beautiful woman" by the survey by the historical archaeology study group that I was interested this year.

 Dept.of Flower Arrangement

”It is announcement called "the world history of the handsome man and beautiful woman" by the survey by the historical archaeology study group that I was interested this year”.

One student asked me as soon as I entered the exhibition room, "Did you know the name of three historical major beautiful women of the world?".
I made response to her question immediately that the name were Cleopatra, YangGuifei,Ono-no-komachii,but she told me that Ono-no-komachi was mistaken.
She said that the name was Helen who is one person of Greek mythology was a correct answer,and said that the Ono-no- Komachi was not known in the world only in Japan.
I understood that Ono-no- Komachi was not world three historical major beautiful women only after I became 75 years old.
But comparison with the mythological person.....?
I make blog as always while drinking liquor this evening.

 A Hanging Hina



 There was Kawamura Gakuen Women's University near the master of this blog and visited it because the 27th TSURUGA SAI(鶴雅祭,the meaning that is beautiful like a crane) was held for 24-25 days in October. Live broadcasting and an event were held in the school festival, but the master of blog was interested in flower arrangement by the flower arrangement club.
(Thank to this student)
More further details (Japanese description)

                                    Japanese garden
Flower arrangement (may be Sougetsu school form,Sougetsuryu?) by this club

Ural owl(1)

  There is a saying that the best thing to have is a friend. I always learn a lot from this friend about birding technology. I can think...