
All photos of this blog are copyrighted to them unless otherwise stated.
ラベル Ultra Miracle shot の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル Ultra Miracle shot の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


A ultra miracle shot,超奇跡ショット

Those who watched this image without a doubt are will have estimated it was an image composed. But, this is a genuine, no-fake image. I took this picture on February 20, 2012, 15:22.
While when I have been checking this still photos on PC, I found this image, was very surprised.
What? Oh? the Short-eared Owl having four wings.
 I can’t believe it. It just was with their backs to each other.
It will be far more difficult than drawing out the first place of Japan's year-end Jumbo Lot. (approximate 7million dollars)
And more, it would not able to take this kind of photograph never again in for a lifetime.
Due to disc hernia ion, I currently can hardly walk
疑いもなくこのイメージを見た人は、それが合成されたイメージだと思うでしょう。 しかし、これは本物の、いつわりのないイメージです。 私は20122201522分にこの写真を撮りました。私がPCでこの静止写真をチェックしているとき、私はこの映像を見つけました、非常に驚きました。何、えっ、4翼のコミミズク?丁度背中合わせの….

Ural owl(1)

  There is a saying that the best thing to have is a friend. I always learn a lot from this friend about birding technology. I can think...