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ラベル 2016年日本語新語・流行語 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 2016年日本語新語・流行語 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


Japan's new language and buzzwords in 2016,2016年日本語新語・流行語

Every year in every country I think that new language and buzzwords of that country are being created every year, but Japan also yes.
A publisher that has elected this term every year announced the top ten on December 1.

The Grand Prize was " kamitteru,神ってる".. There are 30 candidates, you can get it more in detail at the following URL
 ⇒Japan's top buzzword candidates 2016 range from Pikotaro to ' theTrump phenomenon'

The next 10 cases were chosen.

 1. 1.kamitteru 神ってる (superhuman behavior)

 2 Gesu furin ゲス不倫 (sleazy affair)

 3 seichi junrei 聖地巡礼 (holy pilgrimage)

 4.Toranpu genshou トランプ現象 (The Trump phenomenon)

 5. PPAP

 6.."Hoikuen ochita. Nihon shine” 保育園落ちた。日本死ね (“Didn’t get a day care slot. Drop   
     dead, Japan”) 

7. 7. amoore アモーレ (love)

8. “Pokemon Go” (ポケモンゴー)

9. mainasu kinri マイナス金利 (negative interest rates)

10. morido 盛り土 (layer of clean soil)

In addition,
The 2016 New Language Grand prize selected by the dictionary publisher "Sanseido" was "ほぼほぼ、hobohobo,almost almost". 
Whether things were 100% or not, criterion of judgment.
Since it is not 100% only by "ほぼ、almost", it is completed by adding ”ほぼ、almost one more.

Ural owl(1)

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