
All photos of this blog are copyrighted to them unless otherwise stated.


Male population of certain endangered species

I was looking at my phone the other day and saw the release of a survey by the Wild Bird Society of Japan on the number of male Eurasian bittern inhabiting in Japan.

According to the report, the number was revealed to be 17 birds.

Eurasian bittern are classified as endangered EN in this country.

Aside from that, I have visited the specific location of Inba-numa in the prefecture several times since 2014 to photograph this bird, and on my fifth visit, I happened to find it foraging on a rainy day in a rice field about 500 meters away from the swamp and photographed it.

I visited the site several times after that, but I never saw it.

There is only chirping in the reeds.

The male and female plumage of this bird is the same color, so it is said that the male's 'call' when he has territory is the only way to determine its identity.

IB (EN: endangered) has a high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future, although it is not as endangered as IA.

This image was captured on June 9, 2014 at 11:21 am.



A female Taiga Flycatcher

I have been taking a lot of wild birds belonging to flycatcher until today

The other day. I added a new one called 'taiga flycatcher' in English.

It is called ojirobitaki in Japanese name. It looks so cute.

However, they are almost female or immature.

Male migration is said to be very rare.

It is very regretful!



Flowering trees in mid-winter

 Despite the bleak winter scenery, these two kinds of flowering trees soothe people's heartsThese two types are plum trees with reddish pink blossoms, which we call Koubai in Japanese, and Chimonanthus praecox, or Japanese allspice, which we call Roubai in Japanese.

Chimonanthus praecox,
                                        two types 
                                        14 kinds of type

Ural owl(1)

  There is a saying that the best thing to have is a friend. I always learn a lot from this friend about birding technology. I can think...