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Showing posts with label Ruddy-breasted crake、ヒクイナ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruddy-breasted crake、ヒクイナ. Show all posts

Thursday 8 March 2018

Ruddy-breasted crake、ヒクイナ

Ruddy-breasted crakeヒクイナ
They breed in the eastern part of the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Japan etc.
When winter comes, they move to southward such as Indochina Peninsula, the southern part of the People's Republic of China, and to the south of Central Honshu in Japan, and spend in winter.
Its breeding habitat is swamps and similar wet areas. These birds probe in mud or shallow water and also pick up food by sight. They forage for shoots, berries, and insects, as well as large snails, which they eat by using their bills to peck through the hard shell.
Ruddy-breasted crakes are territorial, but are quite secretive, hiding amongst grassy shrubs and bushes when disturbed.
In the old days, Ruddy-breasted crake is called simply " Kuhina”, and a unique bird calling that can be heard as if it hits a door continuously has been called "Kuina tataku or Kuina hits " for a long time.
It has also appeared frequently in Japanese classical works of literature.
"Kuhina" written in classical literature is said to refer to "Hikuina".(quote from the Wikipedia)
    "Tale of Genji " by Shikibu MURASAKI
    "Sarashina Nikki or Sarasina diary" by SUGAWARANOTAKASUENOMUSUME
    "Tsurezuregusa" Essays in IdIeness,by Kenko YOSHIDA
    "Haiku poem" by Basho MATSUO
その生息地は、湿地帯や沼地で、泥の中や浅瀬で、目で見て餌を拾う、また、 新芽、果実、昆虫、また大きなカタツムリを探しかたい殻を嘴でつっついて食べる。
     『徒然草』 兼好法師 
      松尾芭蕉 俳句
環境省レッドリストでは準絶滅危惧種(NT;Near Threatenedに指定されている(ウイキペディア英文、日本文から引用)

Summer flowers have started to bloom