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ラベル 子供たちの伝統的な行事 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 子供たちの伝統的な行事 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


A traditional local event by children,子供たちの伝統的な行事

A traditional local event by children has held on Sunday14, January.
In the city where I live there are events (traditional event) do by children, which have been done since long time ago. Its origin is said to be the Heian era (running from 794 to 1185 ), but I do not know the details. There are similar events in neighboring towns, but their nicknames are different.
We call this event "Awantori" here. The meaning of "Awantori":
The pronunciation of this kanji『粟』 is Awa,”あわ“ in Hiragana.
"とり” in Hiragana mean "taking" in English.
That is to say, "Drive away the birds that eat millet".
It seems to have come to say that the gesture to drive away the small birds coming to eat "millet" which was one of the Japanese cereal foods from ancient times was called "Awantori".
And it is said that it is the origin of praying for the productiveness of grain.
When I am an elementary school student, adults dig five holes in embankment and rice paddy vacancies on a small village basis every January 14 every year, and there are five bamboos about 10 m there.
After that, the children surround the surroundings such as daylily. And put some New Year festoon made of sacred straw in it, burn it in the evening. And we used to eat some rice cake soup etc. And we used to eat some rice cakes with soup etc. at on duty home.  Also, I brought home the bamboo that remained burned, made chopsticks etc and prayed for health.
Now, the times have changed, At Abiko third elementary school near my house, it became to do the event with all the students at on their school ground.
A reporter from a major newspaper Asahi Shimbun has come to cover this for a news.   


Set up a prop with five bamboo pieces

Make walls with daylily

Get New Year festoon made of sacred straw inside

Rice cakes for distribution to the individual.

Set fire   

Bake rice cake

Say “Awantori hoi hoi”

Greetings from the mayor of Abiko shi

Ural owl(1)

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