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ラベル チュウヒ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル チュウヒ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


Eastern marsh harrier,チュウヒ

According to the Wikipedia Japanese described,
Major breeding sites are northern North America and northern Eurasia Continent. In winter, it goes south for overwintering.
It migrates to Japan as winter bird to overwinter. Once, it had been breeding in Hokkaido and northern Honshu, but in the present day, its breeding is confirmed in Chubu District, Kinki region, and Chugoku district.
According to the Wikipedia in English described that the male's plumage is variable that typically the head, breast, back, and wing-coverts are blackish with pale streaks,
In Japan, mainly due to the difference in plumage color of the head, except for the type of common is called by the following alias.
Note; type Continental or Zuguro: black colored plumage head.
type Zushiro: white colored plumage head
                                                            Type Continental or Zuguro

                               Type common

                               Type Zushiro


Eastern marsh harrier,チュウヒ

According to the Wikipedia Japanese,
The main breeding areas are northern North American continent and northern part of Eurasia Continent, but in winter it goes south for overwintering.
It is a winter bird flying for wintering in Japan. Once breeding in Hokkaido and northern Honshu, breeding is confirmed now also in Chubu District Kinki region · Chugoku district.
It inhabits meadows, wetlands, reeds and so on.

Diet is carnivorous, predisposes to fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and their eggs, small mammals and the like. Fly at low altitude around the ground and look for prey. Male and female feathers are very similar and difficult to distinguish.



Eastern marsh harrier,Tyuhi,チュウヒ

UCNRed List Category :Least concern 
Japan Ministry of the Environment Red List :Endangered Species
Category of migrant to Japan:Winter migrant

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