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Japanese Bush Warbler;Japanese Nightingale,ウグイス

 This bird’s call is said to be one of the three most beautiful birds call in Japan

According to Wikipedia

Depending on the definition of the range of species, the distribution area varies slightly, but roughly inhabits East Asia.

It is also distributed in the Hawaiian Islands, but it was imported from Japan.

Resident birds are distributed almost all over Japan. However, individuals in cold regions move to warm regions in winter. It has a wide range of environmental adaptability, as it inhabits from flatlands to alpine high pine belts. He prefers bamboo-rich forests and bushes, but may also appear in open areas during the call. The English name "Bush Warbler" means a bird singing in the bush. Be alert and often invisible even if you hear birds call.


Eurasian jay,カケス

 The bird call of the European jay is inseparably linked with Japanese mystery drama with a cottage in the forest.

This bird call is a call that makes you feel like something is happening, and when it call there is always an incident in the drama.

Quoted from Wikipedia

Distributed from central to southern Eurasia in northern Africa. In Japan, resident birds that breed north from Kyushu and inhabit the north move to the south in winter. The number of individuals that move from year to year varies, which is thought to depend on the number of nuts they feed on (when the amount is small, they move in search of food). 

Search for acorns on the ground

Take out the acorn hidden in the bark

Find the hidden acorn 


Grey-faced buzzard、サシバ

 A couple of Grey-faced buzzards, which are thought to have migrated here for breeding last year, have come again this year.

Ural owl(1)

  There is a saying that the best thing to have is a friend. I always learn a lot from this friend about birding technology. I can think...