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ラベル Ajisai の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



This is the second installment of a two-part series on this topic.
紫陽花 (ajisai), hydrangea, is the deciduous shrub up to five feet high with ball-shaped clusters of bluish flowers in June and July. It has become a common ornamental throughout the world.
  In Japan both 額紫陽花(gaku ajisai), H. macrophylla and 沢紫陽花(sawa ajisai), H. serrata in particular have been cultivated for so many centuries that they have become part of the culture. 
a haiku of Basho Matuo
 紫陽花や藪を小庭の別座敷 松尾芭蕉  
   ajisai ya  yabu wo koniwa no  betsu zashiki
          Hydrangea!  in grove, being little garden,  the detached room

 quote from

Akita International Haiku Network



This is the first installment of a two-part series.
The hydrangea is one of flowering plant for enjoying its blooms in Japan from ancient times, and there is mention in "Manyoshu tanka collection" published in the eighth century.
Hasezan Hondoji or Hondoji temple, Matsudo-shi, in Chiba Pref., is famous temple with surrounded flower of  Hydrangea in its season.
About Hondoji temple, please see below


 About Hondoji temple
The Hondo-ji Temple originarlly started in 1269,when a governor of Hiraga Province named kageyama Tosannokami who became a great devotee of Nichiren Shonin,raised a Hokke-do hall
(a hall for the Lotus Sutra chanting )in Kogane area around Matsudo City in Chiba Prefecture.
Though the temple fell into decay due to wind and rain disasters,Lord Soya Kyoshin of the monor
with a deep faith in the Lotus Sutra ,made a great contribution to the reconstruction of the temple in 1277.
In 1309,a daughter of Lord soya Kyoshin donated the land of Hirga-rokugo area to establish the Hondo-ji Temple of today.
Hondo-ji is so named because of Nichiren Shonin's wish as follows.
"The Original Buddha will reside in this land"'Hon' means true or original ,and 'do' refers  to land

The Hondo-ji temple is commonly known by "Ajisai-dera(Hydrangea Temple)."

Ural owl(1)

  There is a saying that the best thing to have is a friend. I always learn a lot from this friend about birding technology. I can think...