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ラベル 大晦日、オオミソカ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 大晦日、オオミソカ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


New Year's Eve,Oomisoka,大晦日、オオミソカ

One of the annual events to be held during New Year's Holiday in Japan Buddhism. It is to catch a temple bell(Joya no Kane (bells ringing out the old year)) in the time zone between midnight on the night of 31 December (New Year's Eve night). Bells of night falls hit 108 times in many temples.

It is customary to the buddhist priest joins his hands in prayer before striking a Joya- no- Kane bell.
In the temple engaged 108 times, 107 times out of 108 times struggle in the old year (December 31), and the other one hits the New Year (January 1).

However, in recent years, there seems to be a complaint that this night bell sound is noisy.

And, In this country people will practice eating soba noodles on the New Year's Eve from the Edo period.

The meaning eating soba is easier to cut than other noodles, so it means "to break disasters of the year a year", eat before the New Year's Eve at the New Year's Eve.

About soba, please see "Soba" of this blog.

I worked at a major food company that manufactures milling and edible oil in Japan, so it is pretty good to make tempura, and on New Year's Eve I am fried tempura every year.

  Joya no Kane,bells ringing out the old year

Tonight dinner on New Year's Eve, Soba with Tenpura which I cooked. 

Ural owl(1)

  There is a saying that the best thing to have is a friend. I always learn a lot from this friend about birding technology. I can think...