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Long-tailed Rosefinch

 The number of migratory birds in the region has been declining year by year, and the Long-tailed Rosefinch is one of them.

In the same area as last year, it was feeding on willow flower buds.

Homecoming is imminent. 

This species can be found in Japan, China, Kazakhstan, North Korea, South Korea, and Russia.

In Japan, it breeds as a summer bird in Hokkaido and the Shimokita Peninsula of Aomori Prefecture, and migrates south of Honshu as a winter bird to overwinter. 

                                A female

                                A male


Eurasian eagle owl

For the first time, I photographed this wild bird locally yesterday, but it is difficult to believe that it was inhabited in the wild.

It appears to have either escaped from an establishment where it was kept as a pet, or was released, as it appears to be unafraid of humans and crows.


Ural owl(1)

  There is a saying that the best thing to have is a friend. I always learn a lot from this friend about birding technology. I can think...