
All photos of this blog are copyrighted to them unless otherwise stated.


Zitting Cisticoba,Sekka,セッカ

IUCNRed List Category :Least Concern
Prefectur of Japnan Red List Category: C,V,E,N
  CN:Critically Endangered, VU:Vulnerable,EN::Endangered Species,NT:Near threatened
Category of migrant to JapanResident bird
 (The above is quoted from Wikipedia)
I might express it before, but I am not an expert of the wild bird. Therefore I always refer to Wikipedia
Message of the request that they would like you to contribute money when you often use Wikipedia is often shown. Of course I contribute it from last year because I think that the editing of Wikipedia is great.

以前申し上げたかもしれませんが、私は野鳥の専門家ではありません。そこで、いつもウイキペヂアを参考にしてます。ウイキペディアをたびたび利用しますとお金を 寄付してほしいとのリクエストのメッセ-ジが度々示されます。もちろん私はウイキペヂアの編集は大変だと思いますので昨年から寄付をしております。


Northern Goshawk,Ootaka,オオタカ

IUCNRed List Category :Least Concern
Category of migrant to JapanResident bird
Though I think that she was captured if going to catch the target, as for her, there is not gravity.Probably is it simple "play" or "exercise"?

 She stared fixedly at the intermediate egret of target.
She was looking for game at the top of this greenhouse first.


Cluster amaryllis or Red spider lily,Higanbana,ヒガンバナ

Higan (two periods of seven days with the middle day falling on the spring or autumn equinox)is one
of Main Anuual Festivals in Japan. The word higan meaning "the other shore,"or, in Buddhism,nirvana.During higan the spirits of  ancestors are recalled, Buddhist rites carried out and
family graves visited.(Most are quote from "NIPPON".) So,I will do it  tomorrow with my wife. 
That's why the name of this flower which blooms in the days
of the autumn  equinox week is called higanbana.
This cluster-amaryllis is seen well in the area of farm, the bank and the graveyard in Japan. 



Japan Ministry of the Environment Red ListNear threatened
Category of migrant to JapanResident bird


Lesser Cuckoo,Hototogisu,ホトトギス

This is the second installment of a two-part series of this topic
About haiku
The lesser cuckoo-related haiku that is known well to a Japanese people . Well known best one is that
Me ni Aoba YamaHototogisu Hatsugatsuo」 by Sodo Yamaguchi (1642-1716).
Japanese seventeen- syllable poem is called haiku, which is composed in 5-7-5 syllabic form.
"Me-ni-a-o-ba /ya-ma-ho-to-to-gi-su/ha-tu-ga-tsu-o", ;;;in only a hiragana letter
---------- --5-------/-------------7----------/-----------5-------
"Green leaves to eyes/Mountain lesser cuckoo/First bonito come to table"; literal translation
About a meaning of this haiku, although my interpretation.
It is spring, and the trees and plants of hills and fields become green, and a lesser cuckoo sings in the hills and fields. And I eat a bonito for the first time this year.
Japan, which is surrounded in the sea , and has the change of the clear spring, summer, autumn, winter of four seasons with humid subtropical climate, and people eats various kinds of marine products fish habitually.
I think that such a background make people write a haiku.
「目に青葉山ほととぎす初鰹」   山口素道(1642-1716) Sodo Yamaguchi


The unstable weather such as a typhoon, the heavy rain continues, and the Japanese Islands bring heavy damage to farm products recently.


Lesser Cuckoo,Hototogisu,ホトトギス

This is the first installment of a two-part series of this topic. このトピック2回リーズの1回目

IUCNRed List Category :Least Concern 国際自然保護連合レッドリスト:軽度懸念
Category of migrant to JapanSummer migrant日本への渡りの分類;夏鳥

  The end of warring states period of Japanese history is said to be from in 1573 to in 1615, there were three famous warlords(or military commander) in the time. If I say the name of three people in order of the times,. I say Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Ieyasu Tokugawa.
The words that expressed the character of these three warlords by senryu (a kind of haiku) in the Edo era are listed in senryu" Kasshinyawa" of in the Edo era(1603-1863). A Lesser Cuckoo is used for these words as a metaphor, but is the too famous senryu that all the faults of Japanese know.

The senryu which expressed character of Nobunaga Oda
 If Lesser Cuckoo does not sing, kill him.
As for Hideyoshi Toyotomi
 If Lesser Cuckoo does not sing,, I make him sing.
As for Ieyasu Tokugawa
 'If Lesser Cuckoo does not sing, I will wait till he sings.
織田信長の性格を表現した川柳  「鳴かぬなら 殺してしまえ ホトトギス」

豊臣秀吉の性格を表現した川柳 「鳴かぬなら 鳴かせてみせよう ホトトギス」

徳川家康の性格を表現した川柳 「鳴かぬなら 鳴くまでまとう ホトトギス」


Common Moorhen,Ban,バン

IUCNRed List Category :Least Concern
Category of migrant to JapanResident birdWestern Japan), Summer migrant(Eastern Japan)



Tiwan- Light -Vented-Bulbul,Taiwan-shiro-gasira,タイワンシロガシラ

This is second inatallment in a serise of bird in Okinawa district.沖縄シリーズの二回目です。
IUCNRed List Category :Least Concern 国際自然保護連合レッドリスト:軽度懸念
Category of migrant to JapanResident bird, 日本への渡りの分類;留鳥
According to the technical book of the wild bird, it is said that the Tiwan- Light -vented-Bulbul is a
endemic subspecies of Light-vented -bulbul which inhabit only Taiwan and south of Okinawa.
But, In Okinawa, it is said that this wild bird has done damage to agricultural products.

 A Grey-streaked Flycatcher which was watched in Okinawa
they are not seen in my residence yet

Ural owl(1)

  There is a saying that the best thing to have is a friend. I always learn a lot from this friend about birding technology. I can think...