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Common kingfisher,カワセミ

This is first installment of a six-part series of this feature article.
Due to illness, in my front half of this year, as there were few outings to take wild bird photos, so, this time I will install of the life of kingfisher as a feature.
This time I will install six topics of kingfisher's life as a special feature.
Fortunately, I've taken a lot of kingfisher pictures in the past in Chiba Prefecture.
However, since I am neither a bird scholar nor a research fellow, I have installed this based on past my observations, and some quote from Wikipedia and Animal Diversity Web.
This feature is uploaded divided into six installments.
The content is as follows;
Adult: Non-breeding season
Adult: Breeding season and Matchmaking and mating
Adult: Nest making
Adult: Feeding feed and Tragedy
Leaving the nest
Becoming independent

Adult: Non-breeding seasonJuly to December
First of all, what I am interested in most concerned is how long the life span of kingfishers inhabiting in Japan is.
I found only one Japanese blog it was written to be 2-7 years.
However, according to another article such as Wikipedia English, Animal Diversity Web
as following,
Wikipedia: Only 25% survive from one breeding season to the next.
The longevity record is 21 years.
ADW: It can live for 15 years, but it's an average of seven years.

           bird ring,⇅ 

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