
All photos of this blog are copyrighted to them unless otherwise stated.


Japanese Waxwing,Hirenjyaku,ヒレンジャク

In the category of the IUCN Red List :Near Threatend
Category of migrant to Japan: Winter migrant
They also seem to like the Japanese ivy (Hedera rhombea,) fruit.
Whenever I see these  wild bird I feel they seem to look be angry,but their faces are just in normal.

Japanese Waxwing,Hirenjyaku,ヒレンジャク


Capital Tokyo's three major cherry blossoms spots ,首都東京の3大桜花スポット

This is third installment of a three-part series of this topic. 
I did not know what happened but I could not get to Chidorigafuchi main spot.
The cause is that I walked from the Hanzomon station to the Chidorigafuchi sidewalk and turned right to the place to turn left.So,

About Chidorigahuti,please see; ›

 National Diet Building

 The National Theater of Japan

 The Tokyo Imperial Place


Capital Tokyo's three major cherry blossoms spots ,首都東京の3大桜花スポット

This is second installment of a three-part series of this topic. 
It is said that the most popular cherry blossom viewing spot in Tokyo is Ueno Park
About 2 million people are said to visit this park every year during the season and are ranked third in the number of visitors in Japan.

I had been there only once viewing during the season so far, but when I visited on April 6, many foreigners seemed to be enjoying the cherry blossom viewing.
About Ueno Park,please see wikipedia,上野恩賜公園


Ural owls(5)