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Friday 7 June 2024

A Great Miniature World

 Tobu World Square (東武ワールドスクウェア) is a theme park in Kinugawa OnsenNikkō, Tochigi, Japan. The theme park contains over a hundred 1:25 scale models of famous buildings, including UNESCO-designated World Cultural and Heritage Sites, complete with 140,000 1:25 miniature people.

On 24 April 2010, a 1:25 scale model of the Tokyo Skytree was unveiled at the park. This is 26 metres tall, taller than the 19.95-metre replica of the New York World Trade CenterFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I took my family on a two-day, one-night drive to nearby prefectures the other day and took these pictures along the way. 




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Summer flowers have started to bloom