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Blue Rock Thrush、イソヒヨドリ

Given the Japanese names of Isohiyodori( Blue Rock Thrush in English), and Hiyodori(Bulbul in English), it would be quite natural for any Japanese person who does not know about this wild bird to think that it is a similar wild bird.

For a long time, I thought that these two species were the same kind of wild bird family.

This time after a closer check when uploading, I found that the two species are completely different species.

Oh my got

Blue Rock Thrush, in Japan, the coastal areas such as rocky shores and harbors used to be the main habitat, but breeding has been confirmed in inland local cities since around 1980, and the number has increased further in the 2000s. Cited reference from Wikipedia

Blue Rock Thrush, you can observe a lot anywhere in Okinawa prefecture, and I have already been posted it on this blog.

It has been confirmed already around my resident area, I had taken some shots from 2011 to 2013. The other day, I found a male blue rock thrush that I took the same place where one was before.I don't know whether if it is the same bird.

                                       a female, Nov. 2013
                                       a male, March.2010
                                                   a male, Dec. 2011 


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