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Long-tailed tit or Long-tailed bushtit、エナガ

 In early spring, the behavior of winding up the spider web thread, which is one of the nesting materials, with a beak and striving to make a nest is often seen in a suitable place (for example, cherry trees, willow trees). It is a little bird that does not stop action whenever every time. However, after hatching, it is often witnessed that chicks are targeted by crows.

According to Wikipedia,The long-tailed tit is globally widespread throughout temperate northern Europe and the Palearctic, into boreal Scandinavia and south into the Mediterranean zone. It inhabits deciduous and mixed woodland with a well-developed shrub layer, favoring edge habitats. It can also be found in scrub, heathland with scattered trees, bushes, and hedges, in farmland and riverine woodland, parks, and gardens. The bird's year-round diet of insects and social foraging bias habitat choice in winter towards deciduous woodland, typically of oak, ash, and locally sycamore species. For nesting, a strong preference is shown towards scrub areas. The nest is often built in thorny bushes less than 3 meters (10 feet) above the ground. Cited from Wikipedia described in English

                                       the nest

Spider thread is an indispensable material for making long-tailed tit nests.

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