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Common kingfisher,カワセミ

I realized that I had installed the 4th and 5th topics in the previous upload, so this is the last of this series.
Juvenile: Independent
  It is said to be 25% that the juveniles independent from parents rate at which left from parents survives until the breeding       season of the following year. Around 2006, when I started taking pictures of kingfishers, There was a lot of small fish to be     most of the food of the kingfisher in a nearby marsh and a small-and-medium-sized river. However, in recent years, small fish have disappeared from my home area, and black bass, bluegill, and Graceful catfish have increased dramatically. The small fish that I say here is stone moroko, Gnathopogon elongates, freshwater Bleeker, Weather fish and so on. As such, it may be difficult to take pictures of kingfishers in the local area in the near future.


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Ural owl (2)

 Chicks that are fledglings of Ural owls Continuing on from the previous post.                                Female parent watching her c...