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Lesser Cuckoo,Hototogisu,ホトトギス

This is the second installment of a two-part series of this topic
About haiku
The lesser cuckoo-related haiku that is known well to a Japanese people . Well known best one is that
Me ni Aoba YamaHototogisu Hatsugatsuo」 by Sodo Yamaguchi (1642-1716).
Japanese seventeen- syllable poem is called haiku, which is composed in 5-7-5 syllabic form.
"Me-ni-a-o-ba /ya-ma-ho-to-to-gi-su/ha-tu-ga-tsu-o", ;;;in only a hiragana letter
---------- --5-------/-------------7----------/-----------5-------
"Green leaves to eyes/Mountain lesser cuckoo/First bonito come to table"; literal translation
About a meaning of this haiku, although my interpretation.
It is spring, and the trees and plants of hills and fields become green, and a lesser cuckoo sings in the hills and fields. And I eat a bonito for the first time this year.
Japan, which is surrounded in the sea , and has the change of the clear spring, summer, autumn, winter of four seasons with humid subtropical climate, and people eats various kinds of marine products fish habitually.
I think that such a background make people write a haiku.
「目に青葉山ほととぎす初鰹」   山口素道(1642-1716) Sodo Yamaguchi


The unstable weather such as a typhoon, the heavy rain continues, and the Japanese Islands bring heavy damage to farm products recently.

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