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Kingfisher(a couple)

This is the second installment in a series.
As I described before, this acts in Japan ,has said the courtship feeding, kyu-ai-kyu-ji.

You can see a small hole over hanging bluff, this is a kingfisher's nesting.
This nesting hole estimated 1.1m from a surface of the water  would be submerged due to heavy rain in May .Even if submergence is avoided, when a chick leaves the nest, to eat this chick, a snake invades a nest. I have seen these seen  many times. This is natural.
This nesting over shell mound hanging bluff , close to my house last year. 

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Ural owl (2)

 Chicks that are fledglings of Ural owls Continuing on from the previous post.                                Female parent watching her c...