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The Japan Meteorological Agency have announced yesterday that the hot summer days over 30 degrees Celsius will end today on September 18,  which was at 31 degrees Celsius. And this year, for the first time in two years, osprey came to fly to a large agricultural water path in the countryside near my place of residence. But unfortunately, the weather was cloudy and the worst. Furthermore, the posture of the osprey of predatory diving is backward and far away, so I am ashamed to upload these images.

Mullet is one of osprey's prey.


Oriental stork/Japanese white stork:コウノトリ

 It's been a continuing hot day around 34 degrees Celsius, even though it's already the beginning of autumn.I heard it's going to be continued throughout this week. took these shots in the usual countryside for early morning in the mid hot and humid.After shooting, if I enlarge the image, it has a bird ring, and after a closer inspection, it was found that it was an individual released from the stork facility in Noda City on July 15 of this year.Suddenly I remembered a stork with GPS attached that I took in the same countryside last year of November.But this one was not attached GPS.The wild storks in Japan became extinct in 1971, and today artificially bred individuals have been releasing in the fields. Most recently, it was observed for the first time breeding naturally in eastern Japan (Watarase retarding basin) this year.

The stork that first time to came this countryside from China in 2004.

 Bird photographers, birdwatchers, media, citizens, etc.about 250 people who have come to watch the stork on December 27, 2004 .


Lycoris sanguinea :キツネノカミソリ

 It is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of the Limaceae family and is distributed in parts of East Asia (Japan, Korean Peninsula). (Quoted from Wikipedia)

This flower's Japanese name kitsunenokamisori, what a scared name at all.It is said that it comes from that the shape of the leaves resembles a razor, but as for me, it doesn't seem to look so. The Japanese name of this flower is Kitsunenokamisori, which means, kitsune is a fox, and kamisori is a razor.

The Japanese archipelago is still hot. In September, the record high temperature of 40.4 degrees was recorded yesterday.Of course, I haven't seen the migratory bird yet. At this temperature, you get heatstroke.

The typhoon Haishen with a maximum instantaneous wind speed of 80m is approaching south of Japan.


A kingfisher's juvenile with lotus



Ryosemis fuliginosa:チョウトンボ

 The most beautiful dragonfly in Japan: Scientific name is Ryosemis fuliginosa.

It is said that about 200 species of dragonflies have been confirmed in Japan.The uploaded this dragonfly is said to be the most beautiful in all of them and is classified as a low-risk species by international conservation status assessment.The Japanese name of this dragonfly is called"tyotonbo" which means a butterfly dragonfly. Because it flies like a butterfly. By no means a butterfly.It is distributed over the Korean Peninsula and China, and in Japan, it is distributed over Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. It will show up in Japan from June to September. (Reference; Quote: Wikipedia, Musimir)I was not able to find out of this species English name academically, but I found it on some blog, which words were described such as a " Butterfly Dragonfly, Butterfly Skimmer, Blue Dragonfly, Black Flutterer", however, the writer himself it describes as a pretty wild guess.


Brown hawk-owl,アオバズク

When it comes to the season of fresh greenery, Brown hawk owl comes from South Asia to Japan for breeding.I went out for five days to take a picture of a juvenile brown hawk-owl that will leave the nest during the rainy season. However, day six, at last, I was able to see that have been fledged three juveniles from the nest.The rainy season of this year has over at last.The Japan Meteorological Agency announced at 11:00 am on August 1 that "the rainy season seems to have ended in Tokai and Kanto Koshin region, it was about 10 days later than normal."

A parent who guard juveniles just left from nest

Ural owl (2)

 Chicks that are fledglings of Ural owls Continuing on from the previous post.                                Female parent watching her c...