
All photos of this blog are copyrighted to them unless otherwise stated.



"Koinotakinobori,鯉の滝登り" which means carps are swimming up a waterfall. However, this scene is not so, but swimming down a small waterfall.
The carps that have seemed to finished spawning.
The carps go down while resisting the flow without leaving themselves to the flow, and after that get back into the normal stream.


Little-ringed plover、コチドリ

A pair of little-ringed plover has come the same parking lot this year again and to nest as it did last year.
In Japan, little-ringed plover is called Kotidori, known walks zigzag like a drunk person.
This way of walking is called "Chidori Ashi" in Japan.
It is the origin of this expression "Chidori Ashi" because it becomes this way of walking when getting drunk, it is said so.
The camera I purchased two months ago broke down, so I asked the manufacturer to repair it.


Gray-faced buzzard,サシバ

Endangered Class II (VU) (Japan Ministry of the Environment Red List)

The grey-faced buzzard (Butastur indicus) is an Asian bird of prey. It is typically between 41 and 46 cm in length, making it a medium-sized raptor. It breeds in East RussiaNorth ChinaKorea, and Japan, and winters in South-east Asia(Cited from Wikipedia)


A kingfisher with cherry blossom,サクラカワセミ

I am not in the mood to go out for taking pictures due to afraid of coronavirus in these days.
Stay home, stay home, watching TV and repeat it only.
So, I will install images of this year’s a kingfisher with cherry blossom.

Ural owl (2)

 Chicks that are fledglings of Ural owls Continuing on from the previous post.                                Female parent watching her c...