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Japanese White-eye,メジロ

A Japanese white-eye or called Mejiro in Japanese is one of the familiar wild birds for Japanese people, People who like wild birds have kept them in their own breeding basket called "sashiko, sashikko" in the past, and had enjoyed mejiro's chatting a song.
The times have changed. Under the Protection and Control of Wild Birds and Mammals and Hunting Management Law, people can be them to keep one bird at one family under the terms of renewal of permits every year and in addition accompanied by the provision of banding on the leg.
And now, for something little different, Whenever ume blossoms begin to bloom, mejiro flies around ume blossoms to search for nectar.
When I see these the sight, it always reminds me a flower and bird paintings that consist of 53 cm in length and 45 cm in width clustered in one flower tree bought in a certain country.
Three years ago in Spring, I remembered this picture, so I hung over it on the wall. 
Although there are things that seem to”his signature and seal” in the painting, it is not the name of the painter of this painting, it seem to be just a noun to be express "blue cloud".
If I look closely at it, I found out it was a printmaking.
I thought that there was no choice because the first seller's asking price of 200,000 yen(about US$1950) fell to 15,000 yen.
 You can see a blue banding, it seemed one that someone had kept once before.

 This is the painting in question one.

 Delta airline


Ruddy-breasted crake、ヒクイナ

Ruddy-breasted crakeヒクイナ
They breed in the eastern part of the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Japan etc.
When winter comes, they move to southward such as Indochina Peninsula, the southern part of the People's Republic of China, and to the south of Central Honshu in Japan, and spend in winter.
Its breeding habitat is swamps and similar wet areas. These birds probe in mud or shallow water and also pick up food by sight. They forage for shoots, berries, and insects, as well as large snails, which they eat by using their bills to peck through the hard shell.
Ruddy-breasted crakes are territorial, but are quite secretive, hiding amongst grassy shrubs and bushes when disturbed.
In the old days, Ruddy-breasted crake is called simply " Kuhina”, and a unique bird calling that can be heard as if it hits a door continuously has been called "Kuina tataku or Kuina hits " for a long time.
It has also appeared frequently in Japanese classical works of literature.
"Kuhina" written in classical literature is said to refer to "Hikuina".(quote from the Wikipedia)
    "Tale of Genji " by Shikibu MURASAKI
    "Sarashina Nikki or Sarasina diary" by SUGAWARANOTAKASUENOMUSUME
    "Tsurezuregusa" Essays in IdIeness,by Kenko YOSHIDA
    "Haiku poem" by Basho MATSUO
その生息地は、湿地帯や沼地で、泥の中や浅瀬で、目で見て餌を拾う、また、 新芽、果実、昆虫、また大きなカタツムリを探しかたい殻を嘴でつっついて食べる。
     『徒然草』 兼好法師 
      松尾芭蕉 俳句
環境省レッドリストでは準絶滅危惧種(NT;Near Threatenedに指定されている(ウイキペディア英文、日本文から引用)


Bohemian waxwing,キレンジャク

This spot of taken bohemian waxwing is the same place as Japanese waxwing which I installed the last time, and bohemian also have been eating fruits of liriope in the same way.
It is widely distributed in the northern hemispheric boreal region, and in Japan, it is seen as a winter bird, but it is in the north and south of Honshu. How far it goes south down in search of tree nuts is affected by the number of tree nuts on the way, and the breeding number fluctuates due to the abundance of nuts in that year. In Japan, it seems to be seen more than Japanese waxwing
(Translated Wikipedia Japanese sentence below to English)
Habitat distribution map of Bohemian waxwing(quote from Wikipedia)


Japanese Waxwing、ヒレンジャク

The Japanese waxwing breeds in coniferous forests in the Russian Far East and in Heilongjiang province, north-east China. It is at some risk of becoming threatened with extinction due to loss and degradation of its forest habitat.It winters in JapanKorea, and eastern China; the exact distribution is irregular as flocks move in search of berries. In Japan it is present from November to April; few birds winter on Hokkaidō but in south-western Japan, it outnumbers the Bohemian waxwing. The winter habitat is open woodland or farmland in the lowlands or low mountains and birds frequently visit berry-laden trees in parks and gardens.Vagrant birds appear in Hong Kong, central China, and Taiwan but records from Europe are more likely to escape from captivity than genuinely wild birds.quote from the Wikipedia
ヒレンジャクはロシア極東・黒龍江省・ 中国北東部で繁殖するが、森林の減少と環境悪化によって絶滅が危惧されている。日本のほか、朝鮮、中国東部などで越冬するが、正確な分布は群れが果実を求めて移動するので不規則である。

日本では11から5にかけて留まっている。ヒレンジャクは西日本に多く渡来し、北海道ではほとんど見られない。キレンジャクが数で勝る。越冬地は低地や、丘陵地の開けた森林・農地などであり、公園や家の庭などにも餌となる果実berry-laden trees(日本にはない?)を求めて飛来する。ホンコン、中部中国、台湾では迷鳥として現れるが、ヨーロッパでは飼育されていた個体が逃げたものと見られている。(ウイキペディア抽出要訳)

 Upper, Japanese waxwing
 Liriope is one of their favorite food. 

Ural owl (2)

 Chicks that are fledglings of Ural owls Continuing on from the previous post.                                Female parent watching her c...