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New word・buzzword nominated 30 for the words of the Year.

It is announced every year in early December, the event which selects and announces
the words and the impressive words that were popular in the year most
It is attracting attention every year as one of the indicators reflecting the annual social situation. In the new word • buzzword grand prize, candidates for buzzword grand Prix are recruited by readers of "Basic Knowledge of Modern Terminology" published by Jiyukokuminsha, of which the top is nominated as a candidate.
From that,"annual grand prix" and "top ten" and "special prize" are elected by judges of the new word · buzz word grand prize selection committee.

The next 30 words were nominated.
『アウフヘーベン Aufuhēbun- 、『インスタ映え,Insta-bae』、『うつヌケ,Utsunuke』、うんこ漢字ドリル,Unko kanji doriru』、『炎上○○,  Enjō』、『AIスピーカー,  AI supīkā』、『9.98(10秒の壁),9.98  byō no kabe、『共謀罪,  Kyōbōzai、『GINZASIX、『空前絶後,  Kūzen zetsugo』、『けものフレンズ,Kemono furenzu』、『35億,35 Oku』、『Jアラート,  J-arāto』、『人生100年時代,  Jinsei 100 nen jidai』、『睡眠負債,Sumin husai』、
『線状降水帯,  Senjō kōsuitai.、『忖度,Sontaku、『ちーがーうーだーろー!,  Chi-ga-u-da-ro-! 、『刀剣乱舞, Tōken ranbu、『働き方革命,Hatarakikata kaikaku
『ハンドスピナー、Hando supinā』、『ひふみん,Hihumin』、『フェイクニュース,  Feiku nyūsu』、『藤井フィーバー,  Fujii fībā』、『プレミアムフライデー, Puremiamu furaidē』『ポスト真実,Posuto sinjitsu』、『魔の2回生,  Ma no 2 kaisei』、『○○ファースト, fāsuto』、『ユーチューバー,  Yūchūbā』、『ワンオペ育児,Wan ope ikuji

Please see following English site about this concerning.




Japan Bird Festival 2017,ジャパンバードフェステバル2017

This is the third installment of a three-part series on this topic.

About Haruo Utiyama, a creator of bird carving
Bird carving is a sculpture that carves out birds and colors. It is a sculpture called one few born decoys in America. It is said that the tournament in the United States is grand and the top-ranked writer exactly it gets prestige just like a golfer. It is almost impossible for Japanese writers to rise to the top ranking in the US a few.
Mr. Uchiyama is an amazing writer who flies to the top ranking at the only world convention.
"Beautiful, not alone. We must catch and express the momentary appearance of birds living in harsh nature, "he says. At the moment there is a request from many natural museums instead of stuffing. it is set and put in the street of natural ecology. There is such an episode. The albatross of the South Pacific Ocean has drastically decreased from the overfishing of the hair, there are plans to move it to a safe place, and Mr. Uchiyama entered into the scheme. After setting two decoys and setting it, a report saying that the albatross approached decoys and began to trim the hair. It is a person like Jingoro Hidari who is the famous sculpture in Edo Era. Bird carving starting from a hunting decoy has been helping natural wild bird conservation activities ranging from environmental protection and natural treasure to Okinawa rail(Yambucuina).
I put the work of the famous world-wide bird carving in front of me and looked closely at the eye. The bulge and the warmth of the feather are transmitted and marvel at the perfection of the sketch beauty. Moreover, it is also a leading person of Japanese ancient tree inlaid which can be said as the last of Japanese skills.
Quote from website in Japanese; 
バードカービィングとは、 鳥を彫り出して彩色する彫刻。アメリカが生んだ数少ないデコイと呼ばれている彫刻である。アメリカでの大会は盛大なものでトップランクの作家は正にゴルファーのごとくに名声を博すと言われている。
狩猟のデコイから始まったバードカービィングは環境保護や天然記念物そしてヤンバルクイナに至るまで自然野鳥保護の活動に役立っている。世界的なバードカービィングの名手の作品を目の前に置き、近付いて目を凝らして見た。羽の膨らみや暖かさまでが伝わってきて、写生美の極致 の凄さに驚嘆する。しかも日本の技の最後とも言える日本古来の木象嵌の名手、第一人者でもある。
Mr. Uchiyama's article published in the Hawaiian Air magazine


Children’s works 子供たちの作品
Lesson for children, how to paint for color of bird carving


Japan Bird Festival 2017,ジャパンバードフェステバル2017

This is the second installment of a three-part series on this topic.

Point of view from the pamphlet of Hawaii,ハワイのパンフレットからの要点
1. Keep your distance.距離野鳥とのを保つ
2. Keep the mute on.ミュート携帯をにする
3. Keep healthy and safe.健全と安全を保つ
4. Keep aloha alive.愛を持ち続ける

Point of view from the pamphlet of Malaysian,マレーシアのパンフレットからの要点
現在、ボルネオでは、688種類の鳥類が確認記録されており、そのうち54種が固有種、その中の33種類がサバ州の山地性森林や丘陵地帯の斜面に生息しています。ボルネオ島では、渡り鳥を含め662種もの鳥類が棲んでいます。32種類はボルネオ固有種、その中でも24種がサバ州の山岳地帯の森林で確認されています。特に、サバ州のシンボルとも言える東南アジア最高峰のキナバル山(4095m)には、ボルネオの高地森林に生息する鳥類が、集まっています。固有種の中でも、Whitehead’s Trogon(ノドグロキヌバネドリ)、Whitehead’s Broadbill(オオミドリヒロハシ)、Blue headed Pitta(ズアオヤイロチョウ)、Blue-banded Pitta(アオオビヤイロチョウ)、Bornean GroundCuckoo(ハシリカッコウ)、Bornean Bristlehead(ブタゲモズ)、Golden –naped Barbet(キンノドゴシキド
  A part of pamphlet of Mongolia
Wild bird Photo contest
The best prize works

Bird posters of elementary and middle school students' works
                                Art Umbrella


Japan Bird Festival 2017,ジャパンバードフェステバル2017

This is the first installment of a three-part series on this topic.

Sponsored by Japan Bird Festival Executive Committee Japan Bird Festival (JBF)2017  is the largest Festival in Japan related to a bird. It was held on November 4, 5 at Lake Teganuma Shinsui Park, in Abiko City, Chiba, located in the North East of Tokyo.
The concept of JBF is” aiming for coexistence with people and birds”.
And it can enjoy four items following;
Bird sculpture exhibition, wild bird video screening, wild bird photo exhibition, lakeside/shipboard bird watching, bird-lovers poster - exhibition, various lectures,   talk show, picture-story show, draw a picture of a bird live, performance etc.
Local government, · NPO Panel exhibition, bird study lecture, Bird of museum project exhibition, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology’s Lecture, JBF 2017 Society on Environment etc.
Child Bird Painting Classroom, Binoculars, Telescope Demonstration, Touch Carving, Super Telephoto Shooting Experience, Art Umbrella etc.
Two days enjoy birds;
Bird Watching Goods Sales, A bird patterned kite-flying, Stamp Competition, Quiz etc.
日本バードフェスティバル執行委員会主催による日本バードフェスティバル(JBF2017は、鳥に関連する日本最大のフェスティバルです。 東京都北東部の千葉県我孫子市にある手賀沼親水公園で114日、5日に開催されました。

Around the site

Booth for optical apparatus

                              A local booth
The  exhibited country′s national flag and the name
                              Thailand booth
                              Borneo booth

                               Taiwan booth

                               Mongol booth
                              Hawaii booth
                               Philippine booth

                              Malaysia booth
                               Israel booth


                              A local booth,Nozuke,Hokkaido

Ural owl (2)

 Chicks that are fledglings of Ural owls Continuing on from the previous post.                                Female parent watching her c...