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Whooper swan

About Tanaka and Haiku, please see Wikipedia

Hakutyou ha kanasikarazuya sorano oumi no aonimo

somarazu tadayohu

                       ( Tanka by Wakayama bokusui)
                The white seagull
         Is it not saddening
         It the blue of sky
         Or the blue of the sea?
                        Translation by  Donald Lawrence Keen
Of all the nations of the world ,only China has a longer continuous literary history than Japan.
In the category of this Japanese literature has a Japanese phrase of 31 syllables Tanka and a phrase of 17 syllables Haiku.
A certain person checked the kind of the wild bird and the described number of times in a tanka, a haiku from the Muromachi era from in1336)to the present era.
According to it, it was 35 kinds of wild birds and 176 poem in 6,186 poems.
About swan merely performs one.
Finish wintering,  they begun to get back to their home country.


Japanese white-eye and ume- bloom

Japanese apricot, ume or plum 

Plum (Ume) blossoms are often mentioned in Japanese poetry as a symbol of spring. When used in haiku or renga, they are a kigo or season word for early spring. The blossoms are associated with the Japanese Bush Warbler and depicted together on one of the twelve suits of hanafuda (Japanese playing cards). Plum blossoms were favored during the Nara period (710–794) until the emergence of the Heian period (794-1185) in which the cherry blossoms was preferred.
Japanese tradition holds that the ume functions as a protective charm against evil, so the ume is traditionally planted in the northeast of the garden, the direction from which evil is believed to come. The eating of the pickled fruit for breakfast is also supposed to stave off misfortune.         Quote from Wikipedia

I will be reminded of the music which always has an elementary school song, if the flower of a plum begins to bloom.
Although the beginning phrase of this music is with the twig of the ume a bush warbler" I have not seen
the bush warbler which stopped at the twig of a ume(plum).
Most of the birds stop twig of plum blossoms in spring is a Japanese white-eye.


Hawk for hunting

The peregrine falconhybrid)can escape to the captured pheasant and I failed to photograph the moment of capturing.


Steller's sea eagle

One of the Japanese natural monuments
In order to take a picture of only one first Steller's sea eagle that will be fly to the place 80 km away from my house, I arrived at 6:40 there in the morning.
The target came soon -- a picture of a Steller's sea eagle was able to be taken somehow.
About details of this bird, please see wikipedia



Japan's historical customs, habits and entertainment in the main annual event is about ten.
Ganjitu(January 1) is one, but Setsubun (the traditional end of winter) is an event to perform next to Ganjitsu.
Setsubun (February 3 or 4) is the day before the begining of spring according to the lunisolar
On the evening of this day, people open the doors of their houses and drive the demons
(meaning of bad luck) out of their homes and gardens by throwing handfuls of  beans
and shouting "Demons out ! Good luck in"
NaritasannSinnsyouji in Narita-shi Chiba Pref is the temple which is famous for this Setsubun eventnt and this time also well-known people such as Sumou wrestler,Movie star,Kabuki actor  came here to do "The action"

Details please see Wikipedia

Following is the Setsubun event at Naritasanshinsyouji

Before  Opening                                    
 Sanmon(gate of entrance)

You can see small white matter in the air.These are a packed toasted soybean.

Next gate of entrance

You can see some sumou wrestles who put on pink dress.
This beautiful movie actress's name is Atsuko Takahata, I am one of her fans.



Eastern Buzzard

The buzzard is one kind of the birds hawk eyes hawk department buzzard genus. It was told to be similar conventionally with genotype Europe buzzard Buteo buteo of the buzzard genus, but became clear with another kind by a molecular system of 2008. Quote from Wikipedia

 Nosuri in Japanese(Buteo Japonicus)

Ural owl (2)

 Chicks that are fledglings of Ural owls Continuing on from the previous post.                                Female parent watching her c...