
All photos of this blog are copyrighted to them unless otherwise stated.


Invasive alien species

Japanese Ministry of Environment announced that
Prevention completed it about the domestic extermination of Canadian Goose which was invasive alien species on December 8,2015.

 Image wihch was taken last year by editor of this blog


Salmon run

Run-up southernmost of Japan's salmon , it has said to Kuriyama River in Chiba Prefecture
Last month , I have taken in the Gongyo river of Ibaraki Prefecture, which is located in the north of Chiba Prefecture .

Also another run-up seems to have done little as of this DEC.

Most of the salmons run in the river of Japan are said to be chum salmon


 There is also a record which comes flying to Honshuu and propagates by (Winter bird), central district and the Kanto district north for staying over winter in the winter
in Japan.At Hokkaido and the Tohoku-district north, migratory bird.(  quoted from Japanes sentence of Wikipedia)

male and female are concolorous


I described sasaqua with camellia at the already known white-eye article, but I'll correct this by a mistake.
Plant of the camellia family is native to subtropical from tropical , camellia , sasanqua , tea is a rare species that has adapted to the temperate zone , Japan as a self- fabric is a northern limit .

Speaking of sasanqua, in  addition to the ENKA (Sasanqua hotel),

there is a language of  flower in this country, there is a language of flowers to express by admiring the color of this flower .

 Pink:Everlasting love


 White:charms/you reject my love  


  Red:Modrest/you are the most beautiful


The origin of the flower language of the overall sasanqua  of overcome  diffecuty』『Earnest comes from the form that  the coldness makes a flower bloom without also at the severe season when cold becomes strong.








































Mandarin duck

The mandarin duck (Aix galericulata), or just mandarin, is a perching duck species found in East Asia. It is medium-sized, at 41–49 cm (16–19 in) long with a 65–75 cm (26–30 in) wingspan. As the other member of the genus Aix, it is closely related to the North American wood duck.
                                                                                      quoted from wikipedia
It called the mandarin duck couple a good couple of relationship in Japan .
How do you call in your country?



Ural owl (2)

 Chicks that are fledglings of Ural owls Continuing on from the previous post.                                Female parent watching her c...